Mabox Skin Treatment Vitamin C Serum.

Mabox Vitamin C Serum is a natural serum that can make your skin clearer than ever. This serum helps with Treatment Of ✅Scars, ✅Stretchmarks, ✅Hyper-pigmentation ✅Dark Spots, ✅Acne, ✅Eczema, ✅Pimples, ✅Rashes, ✅Keloids, ✅Sun Burn, ✅Fibroma, ✅Skin Tags ✅etc...❤️⭐️❣❣❤️

using ingredients found in nature...

Normal Price: Ksh3,650

Today’s Price: Ksh2,650

Apply Morning and Night After Bathing For Best Result

Good product, perfectly packed, nice citrus aroma, not greasy or sticky. easy to apply.   absorbs quickly. I LOVE IT                                                        .......Nana

Absolutely love it and use it almost every morning and evening, goes on the face smoothly, it’s so refreshing. My face feels baby smooth                               .......Rita

Mabox’s vitamin C, E & Hyaluronic Serum is a great antioxidant to incorporate into any daily skin care regime. This serum is effective and made from all natural ingredients.   ......Mavis                      



  • Works On All Skin Types
  • Works On All Skin Irritations
  • Moisturizes & Hydrates Dry Skin
  • Removes Lines & Wrinkles
  • Fights Bacteria That Causes Acne

How To Use
1. It’s recommended to apply morning and night after bathing for the best result. 
2. Wash the body part you want to work on properly

3. Apply a small amount of Vitamin C serum on your hand 
4. Rub the serum in a circular motion until absorbed
5. Allow it to dry on your skin

Vitamin C is a popular vitamin that people use safely for skincare everywhere in the world. It is derived from fruit, and it promotes the production of collagen. When you apply it on your skin, it will protect your skin cells and boost Vitamin E, which helps it work very well.




Please do not place an order for this product if you believe for any reason you will change your mind or won't be available when we call or contact you to receive this product.

To get this product, you will need to FILL THE FORM below and CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON after which we will receive your order and contact you to confirm before we deliver.


(1 Bottle) MABOX Vitamin C Serum = Ksh2,650

(2 Bottles) MABOX Vitamin C Serum = Ksh4,600

(3 Bottles) MABOX Vitamin C Serum = Ksh6,400


You Can Use None If You Don't Have Any
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 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

We know you’ll love our Mabox products, which is why we offer a Risk-free 14 day Money-Back Guarantee on all of our products. If you haven’t achieved the results you were looking for simply contact our customer care team and receive your money-back.

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Or Simply Message us on

Whatsapp; 0725610957

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